HomeLifestyleAddiction Treatment Before and After a Breakup

Addiction Treatment Before and After a Breakup

You find your one true love and go through the normal ups and downs of a blossoming romance, from the initial butterflies to the final vows.

You decide to take things to the next level by moving in together, being engaged, and then getting married. Perhaps you’ll choose to start a family, perhaps you won’t.

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After a while, though, the petty disagreements balloon into full-blown fights, closeness wanes, and both partners lose interest in one another.

The couple has chosen to split up.

In spite of its seeming brevity and clarity, this description is really somewhat taxing on listeners. When it comes to major life transitions, people tend to struggle the most. For some, it’s a traumatic experience. Some people have a hard time figuring out how to deal with the changes in their lives in a healthy way.

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Since divorces may be unpleasant and distressing, people’s coping techniques aren’t always beneficial, but sometimes they’re quite healthy. When trying to pull themselves out of the rut that divorce may cause, many people turn to unhealthy habits like drinking or drug usage.

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The primary causes of divorce are adultery and financial strain, followed by substance misuse.

Divorce rates in the United States peak around age 30, and drug misuse is most common in persons between the ages of 25 and 34. Alcohol addiction and dependency sufferers also have a significantly higher divorce rate than the general population.

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Many facets of an addict’s life, not only their marriage, are affected by their disease

A higher frequency of financial difficulties
The individual’s focus shifts to their dependence.
There has been a rise in the incidence of emotional abuse and suffering.
Their interactions are strained due to a lack of trust and communication.
Young people whose parents have substance abuse problems are more likely to experiment with these substances themselves.
Children of divorced parents are more likely to end up as divorced as adults.
Divorcees can feel a range of emotions, from loss and grief to fury. Divorcing couples need to draw on their support systems and develop healthy coping skills to get through the challenging, complicated, and emotionally draining divorce process.

In spite of the harm that addiction and reliance may do to relationships, it is possible to repair the damage via treatment and recovery in some cases.

The relationship and the person suffering from addiction will benefit from finding treatment choices and treatments that not only help with the addiction but also give a basis for a better life by investigating the underlying issues linked with addiction.

photo credit: Photos (canva.com)

photo credit: Photos (canva.com)

Behavior Modification

Behavioral therapy and rehabilitation methods are widely used and well-accepted.

For instance, in behavioral treatment, you could meet with a therapist individually, with your family, or in a support group to discuss your addiction’s triggers and develop strategies for managing them and resisting the need to use substances.

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There is a wide range of available behavioral therapy;

Rehabilitative therapies that emphasize exercise as a means of coping with the pressures and triggers that lead to undesirable behaviors
Christian rehabilitation programs seek to help patients gain new insights and learn to draw strength from the Bible through trying times.
The primary goal of hypnotherapy in the treatment of addiction is to alter the patient’s interpretation of the events that first set off their cravings.
Arts, crafts, and originality therapy, with its focus on providing a safe space for emotional release and constructive means of coping with the pressures that have been shown to contribute to maladaptive patterns of behavior.

photo credit: Photos (canva.com)

Treatment Facilitated by Medication (MAT)

Addiction specialists on the board are the ones who determine if medication is necessary for a patient’s specific circumstance. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is advocated in such circumstances, and non-addictive drugs are provided to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings.

Medication-assisted therapies (or MATs) focus on relieving the physical and mental symptoms of addiction rather than addressing their underlying cause.

photo credit: Photos (canva.com)


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